Knowing little about jewellery making and pottery, I imagine these activites to require quite different work areas, at the very least once will be more messy than the other. One wouldn't switch from handling clay directly to working with metal or precious stones. Still, those places can inspire each other, and perhaps some jewellery incorporates pottery or the other way round. The place to sit I'd like to design for this person is a studio for making both things. It needs to be two separate work areas, side by side, so there is a visual link, with some division to avoid dirt spilling over. The person did not talk about light, but I'd like to think this place to be flooded with natural light, both work areas should face a big window floor to seeling and a beautiful natural scenery outside. Since they like the colour blue, I'd include subtle elements of blue in the room, in the curtains and in the chairs to sit on. I wouldn't overdo it, because I imagine there will be already many shades of blue in the materials they work with. The walls are white and the floor is wooden, perhaps a bit creaky as you walk on it. 
The pottery workbench has a simple with steel legs and little wheels and a leather-covered cushion so it's easy to clean. It should be easy to move around a bit and swivel while working. You can also tilt the seat to adjust it to a comfortable position. It does not have armrests or a backrest as you're using your arms and probably tend to bend slightly foward while doing pottery. I also encourages a straight posture. 
The jewellery workbench has a wooden chair, with armerests and a backrest. It doesn't have wheels because you might have to do very fine and detailed work and you don't want your chair to move about. The seating area of the chair is wooden too, slightly curved downwards for a more comfortable sit. The backrest has round wooden bars. The chair is old and used, the wood has a dark colour.
A low (20cm of the ground), up right 'deck chair' with generous pockets for holding tools and such. You can sit up and/or lie back to watch the sky. On this rocky outcrop that looks over and beyond holy Island there are natural plateaus of rock that make 'tables' that you can work on, some big enough for groups of 5 or six to sit around, some just good for one. There is always some drift wood to be had.
This person needs a place to sit with a view of journeys and countryside. A well equipped work bench with unlimited potential to power their creativity. A place to enable a passion for making things out of wood.
I would like to design a seat that is attached to the structure of a bicycle, but where the seat (a comfy chair seat made from rattan with a cushion) can be laid back or pivoted forwards - so it can be a relaxed seat where the owner can lean back and gently pedal to keep the legs slowly moving, or pivoted forwards making them more upright so they can cycle more vigorously and purposefully. It remains a static seat however in both cases. It is a little way off the ground and connected to the sides of the seat are a series of spokes or arms each with beautiful imagery and objects attached - think of a victorian cardboard theatre where parts of the scenery moved on sticks and were colourful, multi layered 3 dimensional scenes. The chair spokes/arms will have things like trees, a rainbow, birds, clouds, leaves, plants attached to them and as the owner gently or purposefully pedals these travel past them on either side (passing them and going down behind them and under the chair agin before circling back upward to pass them again - as if they were cycling through an imaginary landscape. The more they pedal the more they 'travel' through these.
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